Put a plastic bag on the broom, all housewives do it: more than just vacuum cleaners


Put a plastic bag on the broom, all housewives do it: more than just vacuum cleaners

What you will notice is that this way hair and animal hair will stick to the broom but will not get into the bristles so you will not be forced to remove the dirt with your hands. The material that plastic bags are made of helps adhere hair and fur which you can then simply scoop up and throw away.

How to always have clean floors

Cleaning floors is not always just about dust and hair always on the floor, but you have to choose the right broom and in addition to using a bag as we suggested above, you can also continue using traditional brooms. The choice, however, is not random. In fact, there are several types of brooms, with soft or hard bristles.

Normally the bristle broom allows you to remove the largest dirt from the floor but does not completely eliminate the dust . And in fact, brooms with soft bristles tend especially to raise dust that then ends up on the furniture. For this reason, after having picked up the package it is always better to vacuum.


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