How to grow organic apples in pots.


How to grow organic apples in pots.

2. Sow:

    • Choose a standard size pot about 12 inches deep (about 5 to 6 gallons).
    • Repot apple trees each year as they grow into larger pots.
    • Do not plant your tree directly in a large pot – start with a small pot and gradually change pots until your tree no longer grows vertically, but horizontally.
    • Your final pot should be 20 to 25 gallons.
    • Use fertile soil with good drainage. When planting, use soil rich in organic matter.
    • Place your apple tree in a sunny location without other plants or trees. Apple trees love their place.
    • Place the pot in a semi-shaded location on hot summer days.
    • Apple trees need cold winters and warm summers. If you live in a cold climate, your apple trees will have difficulty growing unless they are in a controlled environment.

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