Here is the fat burning soup that allows you to lose 4 kg in a week


Here is the fat burning soup that allows you to lose 4 kg in a week

– Reduce the heat and simmer the soup until the vegetables are tender.

Course of the cabbage soup diet: (you can eat soup as much as you want, respecting the instructions for each day)

First day:
Consume fruits as much as you like except bananas

Second day:
Consume vegetables as desired except corn and potatoes

Third day:
Consume vegetables and fruits as desired except for the restrictions of the previous days

Fourth day:
Consume soup only
Fifth day:
You can add grilled turkey and fish as an accompaniment to the soup
Sixth day:
Consume fruits and meat as an accompaniment to the soup

Seventh day:
Eat vegetables and brown rice as an accompaniment to soup

In order for the results of this slimming treatment to last over time, it is essential to return to a balanced diet low in fat and sugar, accompanied by regular physical activity and to hydrate properly.

As a reminder, it is essential to notify your doctor before starting a slimming treatment.

Cabbage and parsley are contraindicated when taking anticoagulant treatment.


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