Flies and mosquitoes fly around my apartment from a kilometer away, they don’t even land on the windowsill

Since May, there has been incredible heat. All windows and balconies are wide open all day. Mosquitoes and flies are not shy, they try to fly into the house in swarms. I don’t have a single mosquito net on my windows. At the same time, during the entire summer, a maximum of one mosquito got… Continue reading Flies and mosquitoes fly around my apartment from a kilometer away, they don’t even land on the windowsill

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Washing machine, never make this mistake: increase the drying time of your laundry

There is a mistake we all make which tends to increase the drying time of laundry when we run the washing machine. Here’s what it is. During our day we find ourselves having to change  clothes  because many of them are dirty or even for hygiene reasons and therefore the pile of clothes to wash increases. So, the… Continue reading Washing machine, never make this mistake: increase the drying time of your laundry

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Get the gunk off your dirty racks with this one effortless hack

Cleaning dirty racks, whether they are in your oven, grill, or even your refrigerator, can be an incredibly tiresome and often avoided task. Built-up grime and grease can make this job particularly daunting, making it one of the most procrastinated cleaning tasks in households. The presence of food residues not only affects the functionality and… Continue reading Get the gunk off your dirty racks with this one effortless hack

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Put salt in the washing machine detergent, grandma’s trick: this happens to your clothes

Do you know the trick about adding coarse salt to the detergent in the washing machine? Our grandmothers used it to have perfectly clean and very soft clothes. Since it is also an economical and natural ingredient, add it too and you will see the results. The trick of using coarse salt to put in… Continue reading Put salt in the washing machine detergent, grandma’s trick: this happens to your clothes

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My white is whiter than snow: I bleach things quickly, my husband says I’m the Snow Queen

Snow-white socks and T-shirts are so bright and elegant, they are very suitable for adults and children. But only if they are spotlessly clean. Washed dirty white or yellow clothes make a depressing impression. This is especially true for children’s clothing. Children will always find somewhere to get dirty, and bleaching children’s clothes with strong… Continue reading My white is whiter than snow: I bleach things quickly, my husband says I’m the Snow Queen

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Orchid, the sponge trick to make it bloom: you’ve never had it like this

Unlock the full potential of your orchid’s bloom with a technique known to only a select few – the sponge method. Sponge orchids In our living spaces, the presence of various plants and flowers not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also contributes positively to our well-being, mood, and the environment. These green companions engage… Continue reading Orchid, the sponge trick to make it bloom: you’ve never had it like this

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Vinegar: The Natural Laundry Solution

Are you tired of using harsh chemical laundry products that leave your clothes smelling artificial? Look no further than vinegar – a natural, safe, and powerful cleaning agent. Not only is vinegar great for disinfecting and whitening clothes, but it can also eliminate those unpleasant odors. Let’s explore how you can harness the amazing benefits… Continue reading Vinegar: The Natural Laundry Solution

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Toilet paper in the bathroom, always leave it like this: the reason is absurd but it saves your life

Toilet paper in the bathroom, always leave it like this: the reason is absurd but it saves your life The toilet paper roll can divide couples and create arguments and arguments in even the most close-knit families. The reason is one: to date no one has understood how the paper should be placed in the… Continue reading Toilet paper in the bathroom, always leave it like this: the reason is absurd but it saves your life

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