Breaking: Jack Black Loses Nearly $15 Million in Concert Tours After He Went Woke


Breaking: Jack Black Loses Nearly $15 Million in Concert Tours After He Went Woke

This tirade of blacks against Trump was supposed to be a mic-drop moment, but it turned out to be a flop of epic proportions. Perhaps next time, he will think twice before opening his mouth wide enough for foot insertion. They say “Loose lips sink ships”–and band tours, too.

But let’s face it, Black’s comments were hardly revolutionary. Criticizing Trump in Hollywood is like wearing something trendy on the red carpet. It’s a sure bet, but not exactly new.

Despite all this, his fans have penalized him for that one statement. Why? Nowadays, you can pay heavily for speaking your mind in such politically divided environments like ours today unless you are Kardashian, who can say whatever you want and still get paid millions of dollars even if it is absolute nonsense or off-topic.

All joking aside, it’s clear that Black underestimated the power of Trump’s base. They may not be the most discerning crowd, but they’re loyal – and they won’t hesitate to boycott a celebrity who dissents from their so-called dear leader.

So, will Black bounce back from this financial fiasco? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – he won’t be winning any fans among Trump supporters anytime soon. That ship has sailed – and sunk.

In the meantime, Trump’s probably tweeting about this, saying something like, “Jack Black’s failing concert tour is a total disaster – just like his career! Sad!”

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