Okay, I’m normally used to using green tomatoes, but wow, did these taste even better!.


Okay, I’m normally used to using green tomatoes, but wow, did these taste even better!.

Fried Red Tomatoes are a delightful twist on the Southern classic, Fried Green Tomatoes. Perfect for when your garden tomatoes start ripening faster than you can pick them, this dish brings a touch of sweetness and a splendidly tender texture, making them just as comforting and satisfying. Maybe it’s a family gathering, a Sunday meal, or perhaps you’re simply looking for a new way to savor the bounty of your backyard harvest. Fried Red Tomatoes offer that ripe, juicy flavor with a crispy exterior that everyone, even the pickiest little eaters, can appreciate.

This dish pairs wonderfully with a heaping scoop of creamy mashed potatoes or alongside a grilled cheese sandwich for a cozy lunch. For a lighter side, try a simple garden salad dressed with a tangy vinaigrette to counterbalance the richness of the tomatoes. And don’t forget, Fried Red Tomatoes make a fantastic topping or side for your morning eggs or omelet – it’s a sure way to start the day with a smile.

Fried Red Tomatoes

Servings: 4-6



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