6 tips for growing avocado in a pot and making it fruit


6 tips for growing avocado in a pot and making it fruit

  1. Basic Maintenance Cold Weather Management: Bring the plant inside near a window for adequate light. If kept outdoors, protect it with a thermal covering. Heat Management: Use burlap to shade the plant, protecting its tender leaves from direct sunlight. Watering: The container should have efficient drainage. Underwatering will manifest as brown tips on the leaves.
  2. Fertilizing During the warmer months, when the plant is actively growing and producing new shoots, it’s time to fertilize.

Utilize the same earthworm castings used in your soil mixture. Simply spread it on the surface of the soil in the pot.

  1. Initial Pruning Once your avocado plant reaches approximately 60 centimeters, usually after a year, prune its tips. This encourages branching and prevents the plant from growing in just one direction.

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